Balance All Aspects of
Your Being with the Chakras.
Take a quick peek at the practical summary I created for how we might apply the psychological, emotional and spiritual wisdom of the Ancient Yogic Chakra Model as a dynamic modality in our Integrative Psychotherapy sessions. Originating from India, the chakras have been used for millennia as a spiritual healing modality to help promote a balanced and vibrant state of well-being. Chakras are energy centers in our bodies, and there are 7 major chakras located along the spine to the top of the head.
Each of my seven Crystal Bowls is tuned to a specific chakra, so we can also integrate Sound Healing to augment working with your chakras to bring them into balance and clear blockages. I have extensive experience guiding others to “hold their opposites” with Integrative Yoga Nidra Meditation techniques for laying down new neural synapses working with balancing their chakras. For an introduction to the energetic power of the chakras visit my blog.
Which of your chakras might you wish to explore, restore, and bring into balance?
Feel Rooted in Your Body.
Get Grounded in Your Career.
This first chakra is vital for establishing a grounded comfort in your physical realm upon Mother Earth. Perhaps we can work together to release your fears about stability, materialistic concerns, and survival, to embrace being firmly rooted in "the here and now" with gratitude for accessing the resources within you and all that is available to you. Are old beliefs based in the scarcity mentality of your family of origin or your own prior life experiences holding you back in your career? Maybe it is time for making changes in your work. Is it time to respectfully refresh your relationship with your body?
Balance Your Emotions.
Embrace Your Pleasure.
We humans are mostly comprised of water and the second chakra is all about our water element. Are you flowing with Divine juiciness, sensuality and sexuality? Or might you feel blocked or fearful of emotions? Are messages from childhood or prior relationships to suppress your feelings still affecting you? Or maybe you are out of balance being overly emotional or awash with poor boundaries. Let’s work to name and claim your emotions and restore a graceful emotional balance, releasing codependency, guilt, shame, or frustration, and restoring sweet pleasure in your life.
Rekindle Your Self-Confidence
The third chakra is represented by fire! Ignite the fire in your belly and activate your intuitive gut wisdom. Fan the golden flame of your self-worth and willpower. Let’s get working to empower you with stronger boundaries and a confident sense of discernment to make different choices to break away from old patterns. Maybe it is time to revise the "guest list” of the people you allow into your life and create a new circle of support that brings you genuine respect and appreciation.Or maybe it is your work to back-off a bit from the need to control and to embrace a more equitable relationship with your power.
Lighten Up Your Heart
The fourth chakra invites you to open your heart to truly loving and forgiving yourself with self-compassion. How are we going to love others if we can’t even love ourselves? Balancing the heart energy also involves cultivating skills in receptivity without always being the Over-Giver seeking approval and love in return. Let’s explore opening your heart energy without shame, blame, guilt or codependency. The heart chakra is ruled by air. Maybe for you it means lightening up a heavy heart burdened by grief and loss. What is your heart’s true desire? I am here to support you on the journey to your more joyful heart.
Speak Your Truth
Are you speaking your truth to your own self or replaying old messages that no longer apply? Do you fear conflict with others and frequently replay the conversation later only then thinking what you might have said? Let’s work to release the constrictions and fears blocking your power in the fifth chakra to confidently and effectively express your viewpoints and desires. Have you been invalidated for years in a dysfunctional family dynamic or partnership that suppressed your emotions and muted your voice? We can work together to enhance your sense of self-worth and practice communication strategies to strengthen your voice and listening skills.
Visit Your Blue Sky Mind
Are you ready to intuitively access an expansive vision of “The Bigger Picture and Wiser View” above and beyond dwelling in the worrisome, irritating minutia of everyday life? Would you like to manage your stress by learning to rise above and travel to mindful, peaceful spaciousness? Learning basic meditation tools can deliver a calm equanimity ~ even in the most stressful of times. If you are too often “living in your busy brain” balancing the sixth chakra can bring a sense of mental relief. A Crystal Bowl Sound Healing might be an offering you would find helpful to clear your mind.
Access Your Divine Wisdom
Astronomer, Carl Sagan said “The nitrogen in our DNA, the calcium in our teeth, the iron in our blood, the carbon in our apple pies were all made in the interiors of collapsing super nova stars. The cosmos is within us. We are made of the same stuff as the stars.” The seventh chakra invites you to "Don your Crown of Stars.” Might you now be ready to claim the stardust sparkle of you with a heightened sense of your connection to Divine Intelligence and Grace and Guidance? Perhaps you would like to consult your Divine Feminine Goddess Archetypal Wisdom with a Goddess Card Reading to access the higher wisdom within you.