Carmela Carlyle
It is my calling to support you in cultivating awareness and practices to reclaim your wholeness and power to live a juicy, joyful, healthy, prosperous and satisfying life. I insightfully, and pro-actively will assist you in embracing your light, as well as pulling back the veil to safely explore your shadows to embrace your heart's desires.
Carefully honoring which way my heart and intellectual curiosity were drawn, I have enjoyed a richly evolving career as an Integrative Psychotherapist and Educator that included being an Organizational Training Specialist, Keynote Conference Speaker, and University Instructor. As a life-long soulful seeker and student, I have continuously expanded and deepened my skills in multiple healing modalities which have transformed me, and my work with others. I am a Crystal Bowl Sound Healer, Goddess Guidance Intuitive, Certified Yoga Therapy Teacher, Integrative Yoga Nidra Meditation Guide, an Artist and a Certified Expressive Arts Counselor.
I grew up in an activist family and was a Human Rights Activist and Feminist from a young age with a B.A. in the Sociology of Gender Roles. I have been a surfer in Malibu, a model in NYC, a Leadership Coach for Rocket Scientists at Los Alamos Lab, New Mexico, and a "Dancing Showgirl" with a famous drag queen San Francisco performance group benefiting our community stricken by AIDS. I created innovative counseling programs for The University of California System, Rape Crisis Centers, Battered Women’s Shelters, Hospices, Hospitals, and Dementia Care Communities. I have taught yoga and meditation in women’s prisons, cancer wellness centers, pain management clinics, fancy corporate retreats, and yoga studios galore. And I truly loved it all.
But it has not all been rosy. I am well-acquainted with the deep end, as well as the frothy, fun shallows of life. Like most humans, I have healed through physical, sexual, and emotional traumas. I was parented by a wounded Narcissist mother, so I am personally, and professionally, dedicated to recovering beyond dysfunctional family dynamics that still affect us as adults.
In my 20's I experienced an ocean drowning death experience and was resuscitated back to this life. It spiritually changed me. And in later years when I was studying with Shamans, the elders recognized me as one who had visited other realms of life with intuitive power to guide others to spiritual insight.
Twenty five years ago, I was brutally assaulted by a man I did not know and was blinded by a head injury and endured severe, physical disability. I used a white cane and a walker and rode in the van to medical appointments with other disabled folks. I learned a lot about trauma, PTSD, pain, isolation, hopelessness, anxiety meds, and depression. Assisted by a team of Neurologists and Physicians, a Shaman, Yoga Therapists, an iRest Meditation Master, Psychotherapists, an old-school Pilates Instructor and a Women's Olympic Team PT, I reclaimed my body, mind, heart and soul. So yes, I truly believe in the efficacy of multiple healing modalities and am dedicated to counseling women through trauma.
I also believe in the healing power of intentional laughter and choosing joy. And I take my laughter meditation practice far too seriously to rely on jokes. I was an internationally known Laughter Yoga Teacher and Trainer, made a DVD used all over the world and trained hundreds of healthcare professionals the techniques to offer the medically-proven, positive hormone-producing benefits of extended laughter. The Dalai Llama inspires me. He says "I am a Professional Laugher." And look at what he is dealing with in this life! I like to remind myself, and others, to lighten up with a bit of laughter. If we laugh at ourselves, we will never be at a loss for material.
After seven years of happily living in the Mexican beach town of Sayulita, counseling, teaching weekly yoga at a local studio and for many retreats, creating beach wedding ceremonies and offering guided Crystal Bowl Sound Healing Yoga Nidra Meditation Journeys, I was ready to move from the ocean to sky and mountain energy.
Now, I am pleased to live in the high-desert city of San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. I work from my home studio in this magical setting with its big blue sky, earth energy galore, as well as its rooftop dining with cathedral views and Spanish Colonial architecture. Being isolated here during COVID afforded me the gift of learning that I can effectively offer Counseling, and high-frequency Crystal Bowl Sound Healings Online using Zoom.
I remain dedicated to empowering non-binary and cisgender women with Integrative Psychotherapy, the professional calling in which I began many moons ago.
Yes, I am living, and working, my dream, and I am here to support you in living yours.
Podcast Interview: Self-Worth Circle with Eva Estlander, Helsinki, Finland. If you would like to learn more about me and my work, here is an interview with Eva Estlander, Yoga Teacher and Sound Alchemist, Founder of Moonahwear.